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My name is Risaal Shaan Sabbir. I was born in Guwahati, Assam a small town in India. I had a science education from school after which I got a bachelors degree in Communication Design.

My mission is to create emotionally impactful experiences in important domains such as education.

All my life I have felt like I have been very acutely affected by experiences emotionally, more than they did for others. Whether or not this was true, I wanted everyone to induce experiences of the beauty, grandeur, calmness or any emotion through art or experiences.

I have also always loved to learn new things, whether at home or at school, However I loved the subjects itself and I felt that boring lectures and classrooms always squeezed the joy out of them. 

I want people  to experience the true joy of learning like I do. And creating gamified and immersive learning experiences is my attempt at to help others enjoy the same. 

Me and My Mission

Achievements and Awards

Risaal Shaan Studio

© 2035 by Risaal Shaan Design

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