Speculative Design Project for the future of Working from Home.
Product Pitch
The following was a studio project, in which I tried to tackle the various problems associated with working from home. While many have embraced this new normal, there are obvious obstacles such as privacy, decorum, organisation, work-life separation and overworking etc.
Problem Area
Working from Home
Working from Home is a new normal in the world today. Even though many have embraced this new norm, there are various inherent challenges that cannot be ignored. Maintaining decorum, Organising work, Work-Life Balance, Privacy etc.
Image: Working from home has given coworkers a peak into our personal lives. And that’s a good thing. GETTY
Target Audience
It was a problem that disturbed my own work, so it was close to home for me. However I wanted to get an outside perspective, which is why i chose my target audience as an it professional. (IT is the biggest WFH job) I was] lucky to have an IT professional in the family, which allowed me to get a deeper understanding of their problems.
3D Model
The project is an outcome of exploration and research into various UX technologies such as Voice User Interface and Gesture User Interface etc.
Design System & User Interface
Modern. Minimal. Modular.
Modular UI
Gesture UI
VUI Dialogs